Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Good Day

Had a good day today! Didn't do much, but was good nonetheless. Went to the gym and had a great shoulder workout (I'll email it to you Melissa), and then took a nap. Yes, I took a nap. Beautiful! Did some grocery shopping and took Jackson to the new playground down the street. We had a yummy dinner, and now we're going to take a bath and get ready for bed. Nothing special.

I did get a snobby look from some chic at the gym today. She kind of looked me up and down and turned her nose up to me. I took it as a compliment. I must be looking damn good to be getting snobby looks! ;)

Plan on running again tomorrow. I'm only ten pds away from my goal weight... yippee!! I got up to 214 when I was pregnant (holy shit, I know), and am at 153 right now. My goal is 145. Anything under that and I start to look kind of sickly. I'm excited about training for a marathon, and I was given advice that I should get to my "goal weight" b/f doing so b/c very few people actually lose weight training for a marathon. So... I'm trying, man!

Jackson just discovered that light bulbs are hot. We have little attic storage doors in our bonus room that he goes into and uses as his secret room. Well, he just came to me saying "hot, hot, hot" and holding up his little hand. I'm guessing that he touched the light bulb. I kissed it, and all is well!


Mel said...

whoever told you that you don't lose weight when training for a marathon is wrong! I dropped like 10 lbs with my first one....but I REALLY trained. was running like 20-25 miles a week not counting the long run!!! Probably the best shape I have ever been in. Congrats on getting closer to the goal weight! My goal is to not put on 10lbs traveling like I did last time...I got rid of it all and don't want it back!!!

Look forward to the workout!

Carrie Davis said...

Wow, I'm super impressed. I still have about 10 lbs to lose of baby weight. I've been stuck at this weight for about 2 months! Oh well. I haven't really ever lost weight when training for a marathon - but I think everyone's different. You build a lot of muscle, which weighs more. You'll get more toned, and probably drop a size - but might not lose weight.

Mel said...

I do think that it is good to get to your goal weight before training if that is a possiblity because it will be easier on you to run without the extra weight (not that you have that much). I will also say that I didn't lose 10lbs every time I trained but I also didn't train for real for any of them but the first. Carrie is probably right though and it is different for everyone. I probably didn't lose anything the first month or so but then I dropped weight fast for a couple weeks and then didn't drop anymore when I continued to up the runs. I have always had a really high body fat percentage though so that could be the reason that I did lose weight...who knows. Good luck with the training!

Terri said...

thanks for the info, guys! I'm definitely going to try to lose the weight b/f training. Carrie, don't get discouraged, man! It has taken a LONG time to lose the weight. Especially since I nursed for 9 mo. Nothing happened while I was nursing.

Drena said...

congrats on almost hitting goal!